As of Feb 12, the original deadline for comments in response to a “request for information” about crediting polices, USDA had received only 365 comments. The RFI was published just before the Christmas holidays with only a 60 day comment period.
The RFI included discussion and 25 questions on topics summarized below. However one does not need to respond to all of the questions.
1) Determine credit based on volume or weight, nutrient profile, standard of identity, customary use of food and the nutrition education purpose of the lunch program.
2) Shelf stable dried meat snacks (jerky)
3) High protein yogurt
4) Other foods not creditable
USDA seeks input of outdated, contradictory or unnecessary regulations
In compliance with a Presidential Executive Order, USDA seeks input in response to these questions:
1) Are there any regulations that should be repealed, replaced or modified? consider:
- a) do such regs result in elimination of jobs, or inhibit job creation?
b) are there regs that are outdated, unnecessary or ineffective?
c) are there regs that impose costs the exceed benefits?
d) are some regs inconsistent with other regs?
2) Are there USDA regulations that duplicate of conflict with requirement of another Federal Agency?
3) What are the estimated compliance costs?
Past Industry Roundtable concerns to submit as comments
Discussion and recommendations from past Industry Roundtable meetings and participants have included:
1) eliminate the watermark and excessive documentation by school food services when citing CN label products for compliance purposes. Schools continue to ask for Product Formualtion Statements for CN Labeled products.
2) Eliminate the restriction/identification of uncreditable grains — simply the whole grain guidance.
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